A diligent bee pollinating a vibrant flower, embodying nature's intricate processes and Horus Drones’ dedication to environmental harmony.

Empowering Change: Our ESG Policy

Enhanced Horus Drones: Soaring Towards a Sustainable Future (ESG Policy)

Building on our unwavering commitment to environmental responsibility, social good, and ethical governance, this policy outlines our approach to Environmental, Social, and Governance (ESG) practices.


At Horus Drones, we believe that progress, sustainability, and positive societal impact are intertwined. We strive to be thought leaders in demonstrating this interconnectedness, taking flight not just through innovation, but with an unwavering commitment to a brighter future. Join us on this journey as we soar towards a world where drones are not just tools, but agents of positive change.

Environmental Policy:

Our Responsibility:

We recognise the impact of our actions and actively seek ways to minimise our environmental footprint and maximise our positive impact. Sustainability is woven into the fabric of our business strategy, influencing every decision we make.

Taking Action:

  • Minimising Waste: We are committed to reducing waste generation and maximising recycling efforts. Every gram saved is a step towards a cleaner planet.
  • Sustainable Sourcing: We meticulously evaluate the environmental impact of every product and source materials from responsible, ethical suppliers. Our drones take flight on the wings of sustainability.
  • Energy Efficiency: From switching off lights to utilising energy-saving equipment, we constantly seek ways to reduce our energy consumption. Every watt saved is a victory for the planet.
  • Engaging Our Crew: We empower our employees through sustainability training and active participation in eco-friendly initiatives. Together, we soar higher.
  • Responsible Travel: We prioritise video conferencing and alternative communication methods whenever possible, reducing unnecessary travel and its associated emissions. Every mile saved is a breath of fresh air for our planet.
  • Partnering for Progress: We collaborate with clients, suppliers, and stakeholders who share our commitment to sustainability. Together, we create a ripple effect of positive change.
  • Continuous Improvement: We are on a never-ending journey towards environmental excellence. We regularly monitor our performance, set ambitious goals, and adapt our strategies to ensure we stay on course.

Social Policy:

Our Commitment to People:

At Horus Drones, we foster a diverse, inclusive, and ethical workplace where everyone feels valued, respected, and empowered. We uphold the highest social standards throughout our operations and supply chain.

Key Initiatives:

  • Diversity & Inclusion: We actively promote a diverse and inclusive workforce, celebrating differences and leveraging the unique strengths of each individual. We provide training and resources to raise awareness and combat unconscious bias. (See our Equal Opportunities Policy and Equal Opportunities Monitoring Form)
  • Employee Wellbeing: We invest in the health and well-being of our employees through comprehensive benefits, flexible work arrangements, and opportunities for professional development.
  • Fair Labour Practices: We uphold ethical labour practices throughout our supply chain, ensuring fair wages, safe working conditions, and respect for human rights. We have a zero-tolerance policy for modern slavery. (See our Modern Slavery Statement)
  • Community Engagement: We actively engage with our local communities, supporting initiatives that promote social good and environmental sustainability. We partner with organisations and charities that align with our values.

Governance Policy:

Strong Foundations for Sustainable Growth:

Horus Drones is committed to good corporate governance, ensuring transparency, accountability, ethical decision-making, and compliance with all relevant laws and regulations.

Key Principles:

  • Compliance: We adhere to all applicable laws and regulations, including company / partnership law, tax obligations, employment law, anti-bribery / corruption, and anti-money laundering. (See our Anti-Bribery Policy and Money Laundering Policy).
  • Transparency: We are committed to transparency in decision-making and financial reporting. We are members of the Federation of Small Businesses (FSB) and adhere to the highest ethical standards.
  • Ethical Conduct: We uphold the highest ethical standards in all our business dealings, guided by a strong code of ethics and a zero-tolerance policy for corruption and misconduct.
  • Stakeholder Engagement: We actively engage with our stakeholders to understand their concerns and incorporate their feedback into our decision-making processes.

Additional Considerations:

  • Business Continuity Plan (BCP): We are committed to minimising disruption and ensuring the continued operation of our business in the event of unforeseen circumstances. Our comprehensive Business Continuity Plan outlines our response strategies and ensures minimal impact on our customers, employees, and partners.
  • AI Policy: We recognize the potential of Artificial Intelligence (AI) to revolutionise our industry, but we remain committed to developing and using AI responsibly. Our AI Policy outlines our ethical principles for AI development and deployment, ensuring fairness, transparency, and accountability.
  • Soaring Safely with Horus Drones: Health and Safety Policy: We prioritise the health and safety of our employees, contractors, and the public. Our comprehensive Health and Safety Policy outlines our commitment to providing a safe working environment and minimising risks associated with our operations.

Leading the Charge:

Horus Drones is not just a drone company; we are environmental stewards pushing the boundaries of innovation while respecting our planet. By choosing Horus Drones, you are investing in a sustainable future.

Join us. Take flight with responsibility. Let’s soar towards a brighter tomorrow, together.